Windows Wallpaper Not Changing

Next go to Settings Personalization.
Windows wallpaper not changing. Right-click on Desktop and make sure Lock Web Items on Desktop option is not enabled in Arrange Icons by menu. The file explorer method is one of the easiest ways to change the wallpaper in Windows 10 without activation. To Fix Lock Screen Images Not Changing in Windows 10 or to fix windows spotlight in Windows 10 here are 3 fixesMethod 1Install the latest Windows update.
If it exists then delete it. The Run window shall prevail. Then scroll down to Background apps left-hand pane.
If youd rather have a different wallpaper on every computer you can selectively disable theme syncing in Windows 10. When Windows 10 is not activated the Personalization page of the Settings app looks like this. If so uninstall it and restart your Windows PC.
Press Windows R to invoke Run dialog then type gpeditmsc and click on OK button. If its enabled then disable it and your problem should be. In the Run window write regedit and click on OK.
Here are a few other things that you need to check. Just in case anyone might still be having an issue with your wallpaper background NOT changing this is what i have discovered worked for meon Windows 10 Go into Power Sleep Settings. How to change Windows 10 desktop wallpaper without activation.
This will act as a backup of your registry. You can just right-click on any picture file and click Set as desktop background option to set it as desktop wallpaper. The wallpaper not changing means that the program is being hindered by something to run properly but at this point you have tried all the things I know cause this.